Sunday, 5 May 2013

Oh You Bite Your Friend Like Chocolate...

Jumper - Cheap Monday
Top(s) (underneath) - New Look & Primark
Trousers - Kelly Brook for New Look
Jacket - Berty & Gerty Vintage
Shoes - Oki Kutsu
Jewellery - H&M / Accessorize & New Look
Hey everyone!!
How are we all??
That's what I like to hear!!
I am so tired today!!
I know I've been good not moaning, but shopping has knackered me out...
I didn't even buy that much!!
That's the problem with Bluewater - it knackers you out!!
More walking...
And more walking...
And more walking...
And more Wa...well you get the picture!!
 We did stop off for lunch and some fuel (sweeties).
Sucks that I now have work for two days in a row!!
But I guess doing the 2pm shift means I can sleep - yayayayay!!
Not so bad I suppose.
Well I'll get on with it...
Just a really quick post today!!
This was me yesterday after popping in to town.
 So as you guys may know I hate going out on a Saturday (and a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc); but as I no longer work on a Sunday I have broken my rule (just this once). I was popping in to town to meet up with my friend Leah for (what I thought would be) a few hours. I didn't exactly jump out of bed and get my butt in to gear, as you guys know I'm not a morning person and I hate getting out of bed! I did eventually get up and washed my hair (yes I willingly did that); also doing my make up (which takes me years). Eventually I left the house and Charlie dropped me off in town (THANK YOU CHARLIE!!). I arrived about 10 minutes late and thought 'oh crap she's probably waiting for me' - how wrong I was! I waited about half an hour and pretty much walked around Debenhams, lurking around every concession to look at clothes (I wasn't in the mood). By that time I was considering going home, but I got a call saying Leah was on her way. Eventually we met up and it was good to have a mini catch up. There was more to the story but I won't go in to that, because it is a long long long long story (I've already vented). After about an hour Leah and I parted ways and I met up with my Mum. I suddenly got in to a bad mood (no it wasn't my Mum's thought) and I just wanted to go home. I ended up being on the phone to Jaime for such a long time just moaning and venting (what would I do without her??). A revelation followed my moans and I turned round to my Mum and asked for Mcdonald's (I needed to feed my craving). I had my Mcdonald's (chicken nuggets and chips just in case you were wondering) and then Mum and I basically went home. It was an unexpected day and put me in a funk, as I didn't quite understand what happened. It left me tired and out of it, but thankfully today (even though my bad mood crept up again) cheered me up.
To the outfit...
Well as you can see I'm back to my usual get up!! 
Nothing new. Nothing different. Just a plain old outfit full of my favourite items. Although the weather has gotten so much better (about bloody time), I'm still confused as to what it is actually doing. One day it's boiling hot (I have the sunburn to prove it) and other days it's so chilly. I have no idea why I'm moaning... So as yesterday was one of the few days that I have been out and not having to wear a uniform, I wanted to bring back my knock off 'disco pants'. I know I have said quite a few times how much I love these trousers, but the reason why I do is because they're awesome. They're a lovely colour of blue, shiny and stretchy!! Now as my old faithfuls are a little bit snug (don't ask - blame Mervin); you will be seeing a lot more of these in the future!!
I apologise for the short post but I honestly didn't know what to write!!
My blogspot is still playing up - is anyone else having this problem?? It's been happening for over a week now!! Anyway I've had a bit of a long day and the prospect of work tomorrow is not helping my mood!! I'm hoping for a decent uninterrupted nights sleep...
As if!!
B x

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